I am a writer now

Posted: September 6, 2011 in Uncategorized

So, this is not librarian-related, apart from the fact that it is written by a library student (me), but PrettyQueer just published an essay I wrote about transmisogyny amongst trans men on their blog!  PrettyQueer has quickly become one of my favorite blogs in the few months of its existence, so I feel pretty excited and honored to have my stuff posted alongside all the rad stuff other bloggers have written.

Also, as promised, more librarian-related content is coming to this blog soon!  Today is my first day of classes and Thursday, I start a second librarian internship, so as of 4:45pm this afternoon, I will be out of vacationland and back in full-swing librarianland.  Bring it on!

  1. Lisa says:

    Loved your post on PrettyQueer! I never thought about misogyny in the trans world before.. apparently plus ca change etc.

    See you in class.

  2. Jackson says:

    thanks Lisa! Looking forward to being with you in class again soon–I can’t wait to get started in ther reference class. I just had my first class today (young adult lit–the professor is awesome!).

  3. tastyanagram says:

    Hey, just read your PQ post (finally, I’m behind on my blog reader) and followed the trackback here. I just finished library school! 😀 Just wanted to wish you best of luck. If you ever want to talk shop, send me a message.

  4. tastyanagram says:

    Simmons in Boston, and I work in interlibrary loans. I’m currently looking for a job in NY though, because I just finished my masters and am looking to move back. What about you?

  5. Jackson says:

    i go to Wayne State. My concentration is in public libraries and i’m primarily interested in working with teens–right now, i have 2 YA public library internships so i’m hoping that will help me find a job when i graduate–i’m not graduating till 2013 and will be looking for jobs in Michigan

  6. tastyanagram says:

    Awesome! What are the internships? Getting as much experience as you possibly can is key, no matter what kind.

    • Jackson says:

      One is a Young Adult Librarian internship at a suburban public library near my house. The other is technically a more general public library internship but they know that YA stuff is my interest, so they have me always scheduled with the teen librarian and that’s at a different suburban public library. Both great and I seem to be learning different stuff at each

  7. Man, that is so awesome. It’s so hard to find an internship or even volunteer work here. Sounds great, I’ll be sure to keep up with your blog!

    • Jackson says:

      I had a relatively easy time finding these internships (I also was volunteering at another public library in their teen center over the summer), but I also think I may have gotten lucky. And thanks, I need to get back into the swing of posting often. I just haven’t had a ton to post about recently and have been busy. I am determined to be an active blog, though, not one that someone starts and then puts aside. so yeah.

  8. Yeah, it’s all about consistency. I always just want to make my posts really good but sometimes it’s more important to just post a damn thought. 🙂

    • Jackson says:

      so true. the last few times I’ve started to post, I’ve realized that i didn’t have anything earth shattering or exciting to say, got worried it would read as a diary entry, and stopped. i need to be okay with the fact that some of my posts can really be about the smaller points of working in libraries and going to library school

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